I dunno you all guys currently feel that Kuala Lumpur really like UN country ( United Nation ) or not ler. What's make me said this is when you going out anywhere or any place,you can see alot of Indonesian,Nepalise,Indian India,Mynmmar,Bangladesh or others everywhere in KL city,just feel like "Luen Hap Kok" or UN lar..
The most the dissapointed things is when you go any restaurant in KL also full of them.Aiya,sometimes really hard to communicate with them ler,I think I need to study sign language already ler.Ok,overhere I'm not bias or condemed them but I feel that Malaysian ppl will lost their jobs later ler.
As on my last week wedding dinner at Renaissance Hotel KL,can said 80%,yupe 80% of their waiters who served us is either from Bangladesh or Indian,this really make me feel that I'm in Bollywood ler.I know this is not their fault,their main purpose coming to Malaysia is to make money but FuuYoooh,how can so establish hotel can hired other country labour.I dunno is true or I forget or what lah but I still remember 1 of our minister said front service line shoulds keep for Malaysian but alamak what happen here.You go to KLIA lagik worse,why dun they reserve the jobs for Malaysian ppl.Now the economic so down,this job must keep for us mah....
I think you all still remember Marry Brown,yes 1 of the Malaysian own fastfoods franchise company.Next time you go there to order,please make sure you know how to speaks Bangla language 1st,if not really feel susah to cakap with them ler.Like "Kai Tung Up Kong" or Chicken and Duck Talk....mana boleh cakap,really susah ler...
More worsts in Petaling streets,lagik macam itu "Luen Hap Kok" ler.Everywhere u also can see Bangla,some of them quite handsome like itu apa nama Datuk dari Bollywood 1 r,yes is Datuk Shah Rukh Khan,gals maybe you next time can tackle him at "Chi Cheong Kai" ler...
I think we Malaysian really need go to take some language course 1st ler,if not how to communicate with them..Any 1 of you know how to order 1 glass of ice water in Bangla language r,please teach me next time,ok.....